Employers up and down the country are rethinking employee perks, throwing ping pong tables to the wayside and replacing them with meaningful benefits.

In the past, wellbeing would have meant a subsidised gym pass, standing desk and reusable water bottle to encourage water intake. Nowadays, wellbeing stretches to far more valuable, empathetic and rewarding benefits.

Peppy Health is playing a central role in this workplace revolution with its tech-empowered support services.

Peppy’s services span baby and natal wellbeing, the menopause and arriving soon, fertility support, all of which are helping people to navigate important life stages and manage change.

Everyone knows having a baby can be incredibly difficult, so Peppy eases this challenge by providing direct access to lactation specialists, infant sleep consultants, mental health practitioners and physiotherapists.

Affordable monthly plans are available to anyone, however it’s employers who are making the biggest splash with Peppy.

HR leaders, passionate CEOs and startup founders are investing in Peppy’s services to provide their people with powerful, cost-effective support during this emotional life stage.

Progressive organisations are also using Peppy’s menopause services. With Peppy, women can access fully qualified, insured and vetted practitioners, and curated products they can trust, effortlessly.

Founded by a passionate trio of HealthTech experts, Peppy is building brighter futures and better workplaces and we’re excited to raise the company’s profile through press interviews and features.

Stay tuned for more updates soon, though if you would like to speak to the company now, contact us here or message us using our messaging platform below.